Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Excessive Infant Gas Infant W/excessive Gas. Remedies?

Infant w/excessive gas. Remedies? - excessive infant gas

Children older than 12 weeks w / excessive gas - assuming befrore screams and painful, if passed. It is a pleasure to drive without pain after defecation. all thoughts appreciated


Jackie P said...

Water Drops Mylicon Board ~ ~ ~ bike legs held her legs in an inclined position ~ ~ abdominal massage heat to the abdomen, such as fortune Tummies (http://www.happitummi.com/)

Is this something new? Do I have something else, not to eat, burp, or how much gas or change your formula?

when breastfeeding food control diet, could be upseting

If artificial feeding, ask your doctor to see if there are less gas formula for him. Shake The formula, not shake it, because it produces bubbles.

Good luck ~

Jackie P said...

Water Drops Mylicon Board ~ ~ ~ bike legs held her legs in an inclined position ~ ~ abdominal massage heat to the abdomen, such as fortune Tummies (http://www.happitummi.com/)

Is this something new? Do I have something else, not to eat, burp, or how much gas or change your formula?

when breastfeeding food control diet, could be upseting

If artificial feeding, ask your doctor to see if there are less gas formula for him. Shake The formula, not shake it, because it produces bubbles.

Good luck ~

Mommy_to... said...

We have the same problem with our 6-weeks old. My sister-in-law passed very useful advice for us. If you do this before they've tried, if your child becomes restless with gas, it has placed on their stomachs with their backs to you, and pull the legs toward the abdomen, bend the knee, something like a squat. It helps to pass gas a lot faster. Beyond the things that we use seems to work well is a warm washcloth on your stomach or a hot bath, by the child's face in her lap and stroked his back, or Mylicon drops. Good luck. I know it's terrible to have to produce gas and can do nothing.

Kristal A said...

Mylicon drops work wonders! Also try gently rubbing your baby's stomach and legs moivng movement of bicycles ... This helped my baby tons. Good luck!

kdmnem75 said...

Mylicon drops for my son worked as a baby. You can do it at Wal-Mart in the baby department.

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