Friday, January 22, 2010

Cervical Disc Syndrome Has Anyone Had A Cervical Disc Replacement?????? Did It Work For You?

Has anyone had a Cervical Disc Replacement?????? Did it Work for you? - cervical disc syndrome

I am currently awaiting a surgeory on one of the discs in my neck replaced with a titanum.
I wandered if anyone had to do, did it ?????
I am in constant pain, and I find life a daily hell. I have a pain that radiates into the shoulder, arm, tingling in the fingers, headaches almost constantly and my neck creaks and cracks when they move in certain directions. I also give some dizzyness and pain in the legs.
If the transaction?
I had them for 17 months after a car accident and was told that previously had carpal tunnel syndrome by a doctor and two independent consultants.
Fortunately, a consultant was fab achknowledged Finally my problems exposed.


ourvette... said...

I know someone who had problems with the cervical spine and not operated for them, but I'm not sure if a replacement. However, the operation it was good for them. I know they also lived with intense pain that radiates to the shoulder, arm and fingers. Do you already have a second opinion on the recommendation of the problem ~ the cervix can never hurt to have a second opinion from another orthopedic surgeons to get (one preferred to see specialized in spines) for if they have the same recommendation before a operation.

You can also visit some sites with good information about how well. ... ... ...

Just so you know, my mother was just a knee prosthesis with a titanium knee and replaced it very well with him

Good Luck

ourvette... said...

I know someone who had problems with the cervical spine and not operated for them, but I'm not sure if a replacement. However, the operation it was good for them. I know they also lived with intense pain that radiates to the shoulder, arm and fingers. Do you already have a second opinion on the recommendation of the problem ~ the cervix can never hurt to have a second opinion from another orthopedic surgeons to get (one preferred to see specialized in spines) for if they have the same recommendation before a operation.

You can also visit some sites with good information about how well. ... ... ...

Just so you know, my mother was just a knee prosthesis with a titanium knee and replaced it very well with him

Good Luck

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